There are a lot of details you haven't mentioned. What is the near-work you do? How many doctors have confirmed that you actually have far-sightedness? How many doctors have confirmed that it is indeed an eye power problem that's causing the strain, and have they actually bothered confirming that it's not because of eye muscle fatigue which might be solved by closing the eyes when rested and by getting proper sleep and a healthy diet? If you really need spectacles, are the lenses fitted at the correct angles? Did you really read through my article carefully? You also didn't mention what your age is. I would recommend not continuing this discussion here, since there are a lot of details and a physical examination necessary to evaluate what is causing your strain. That evaluation has to be done by doctors. Besides, I have no experience with far-sightedness. What I do have experience with, is that a lot of times, the strain is caused by a simple lack of rest for the eye muscles, and if you read my article carefully, you'll realize how to give your eyes rest. What I also know, is that many doctors inadvertently prescribe the wrong solutions, so you should not hang on to the opinion of just one doctor. Consult more experienced doctors, and allow them to evaluate the problem without biasing the information with what the earlier doctors said. Using the doctor's advice and points from my article, it might be worth doing some trial and error to figure out what actually reduces the strain. I wonder if without using spectacles, if you just gave your eyes enough rest, there would be lesser strain?