Sorry, I didn't get a notification, so didn't know you had responded. By "pmk", I assume you meant PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy). I reason that you mentioned it to compare how you had spent time with eyes closed many years ago, after the surgery. So I assume your current eye pain is not due to the surgery. If the pain is due to the surgery, you need to consult an experienced doctor. Not me. I avoided lasik a decade ago after watching this: My advice applies when the pain is caused by tiredness of the eye muscles. When my strain was chronic, I had taken 2 weeks leave to get rest, but it didn't help because at that time I wasn't getting proper sleep. So from my experience, what I learnt is that whether it's a camping trip or a dark room, it doesn't matter. What does matter, is getting restful, uninterrupted, natural sleep every night for 8 hours. It's sleep that heals. In case the pain is being caused by complications due to medication or surgery, you absolutely need to consult a doctor and follow the instructions of the doctor about how to slowly do experiments to figure out what is causing the pain and figure out a solution. That's an area where only a doctor can help, and not a stranger from the internet like me :-)