Hi Anurag. Well, in the recent past I've neither had dry nor burning eyes because I took the breaks and got enough sleep and naps as I mentioned in the article. I've never had dry eyes due to wind or sunlight. Somewhere around 2016 I remember my eyes being a bit dry due to the de-humidified air conditioner in office. Being hydrated seemed to help mitigate that issue a little. A few other rare occassions (few times in a decade), I've had short periods of what seemed like dryness, but was probably a slight swelling or something else caused by excess strain. Not sure what it was, and I couldn't dig deeper to find out since it was very rare and didn't recur if I rested my eyes well. Don't depend on comments or articles on the internet. It's important to have a doctor listen to your case history, symptoms and physically examine you. Try finding experienced doctors in hospitals where they have time to give you the time required for a proper diagnosis.